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Ofsted’s List of Outstanding Schools

Stocksbridge Junior School is the only school in Sheffield to be placed on Ofsted’s list of outstanding schools having received four OUTSTANDING Ofsted reports in 1997, 2002, 2006 and 2015.



National Support School

Stocksbridge Junior School is an Outstanding primary school with teaching and learning at the heart of all we do. We are a National Support School and our Headteacher, Samantha Gaymond is a National Leader of Education.


The Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark

The Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark was awarded to schools to recognise the high quality of provision in English and Mathematics. The Quality Mark was first awarded to Stocksbridge Junior School in 2002 and then renewed in 2003, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2021. After 25 years of supporting and celebrating excellence in English and Mathematics provision, Quality Mark ended in 2023.

Embracing Thrive Award

Stocksbridge Junior School is a school using The Thrive Approach to support our children’s social and emotional development. We were awarded an ‘Embracing Thrive’ award for our work in this area in 2019.



Healthy Minds

At Stocksbridge Junior School we are proud to work with professionals from the Healthy Minds Team (from Sheffield CAMHS) to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of our pupils and staff.  Our Education Mental Health Practitioner works with pupils within our setting every week.



School Games Gold

Stocksbridge Junior School was first awarded the Silver School Games Mark award for our commitment, engagement and delivery of school sport in 2015/16.  Since the 2016/17 academic year, we have been awarded the School Games Gold Mark.



A Centre of Excellence for PE & School Sport

In 2017, Stocksbridge Junior School was selected as one of nine schools in Yorkshire as a Centre of Excellence for Physical Education. Our PE team applied for this status in November 2016, showing evidence of high quality PE and learning in lessons, providing an extensive extra-curricular programme (including Y6 Sports Leaders) and entering a wide range of sporting competitions. Evidence was also linked to SJS initiating a very successful PE network involving PE Lead teachers from 17 local schools, with the aim of improving teaching and learning in PE. Furthermore, the PE team have led seminars at Sheffield Hallam University to inspire primary PGCE students.

Beacon Status

In January 2000, we became the first primary school in Sheffield to be awarded Beacon Status. Beacon schools are schools which have been identified, by the Government, as amongst the best performing in the country. Stocksbridge Junior School was one of the first 175 Beacon Schools in the country and is the only primary school in Sheffield to have had its status renewed until 2005.

National College for School Leadership

Stocksbridge Junior School was the lead school in establishing the ‘Yorkshire Triangle’. The triangle is a group of schools from across four counties that work closely together in a network to improve the quality of children’s education.

The group was one of the first in the country to pioneer this new way of schools working together.

Teacher Learning Academy Badged School

Stocksbridge Junior School is one of approximately one hundred badged TLA schools in the country. The TLA seeks to offer public and professional recognition for teachers’ development work.


School Achievement Award

Stocksbridge Junior School received the School Achievement Award from the DFES in 2001 for improvement in our SATs scores between the years 1996 and 2000.

We also received the award in 2002 for being one of the best performing schools between 1997 and 2001.

Investors In People

Stocksbridge Junior School was pleased to receive Investors In People status in 1995.



Stocksbridge Junior School has been awarded ACTIVEMARK Gold in recognition of the school’s outstanding commitment to promoting the benefits of physical activity and school sport. Our pupils receive two hours of high quality PE per week plus daily exercise through our playground initiatives and activities during our annual ‘Healthy Week’.


Stocksbridge Junior School was awarded the Arts Mark Silver for Creative Arts in the curriculum and extra curricular activities in 2003 and 2006. This was enhanced to Arts Mark Gold in 2009.



Charter Standard School

Stocksbridge Junior School was awarded the recognition for the development of football by the Football Association.




Eco School Bronze

Stocksbridge Junior School was awarded the recognition for our eco-committee’s work.