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2022-2023 Key Stage 2 (End of Primary School) Results

There were 74 children in Year 6 during 2022-2023.
A scaled score of 100 or more is the Government’s set target for achievement in Key Stage 2.

Percentage of Pupils Achieving Expected Standard (A Scaled Score of 100 and Above)

  SJS National
Reading 92% 73%
Writing (Teacher assessment) 78% 71%
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 85% 72%
Mathematics 92% 73%
Reading and Maths tests and reading TA 73% 59%

Performance data for Stocksbridge Junior School can be found on the Department for Education website:

 Percentage of Pupils Achieving Higher Standard

  SJS National
Reading 35% 29%
Writing (Teacher assessment) 15% 13%
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 50% 30%
Mathematics 19% 24%
Reading and Maths tests and reading TA 5% 8%

Average Scaled Score

  SJS National
Reading 107 105
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 108 105
Mathematics 106 104


The school progress measures compares the progress made by the cohort of children in comparison to schools with similar prior attainment nationally. Therefore, a positive score means that pupils in our school, on average, do better during KS2 than those children in other schools nationally with similar end of KS1 results.

  SJS National
Reading +2.2 0
Writing +2.5 0
Mathematics +2.1 0

Past SATs Results