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Ethos and Values

Our Vision

At Stocksbridge Junior School, we strive for our children to have no limits to their ambitions and to aspire to reach their full potential.

Our vision is to prepare children for life-long learning, valuing the uniqueness of every child and providing for their needs within a safe, happy and caring environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

We aim to combine high standards with a broad and rich curriculum where education is the fusion of excellence and enjoyment.  Our curriculum is adapted to suit the needs of our pupils to ensure we are all ‘Learning Together’.

Our vision is reflected through our core values of Respect, Endurance, Aspiration, Courage and Honesty… we REACH!

Quality of Education

Our vision:

  • Ensures all our pupils develop a love of learning and a passion to reach the highest levels of achievement and personal development through a highly engaging and creative curriculum.
  • Enables all children to have an equal right to a full and rounded education. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, adapting learning to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential, keeping preparation for adulthood as the golden thread.
  • Recognises that reading is an essential skill for life to open up a world of possibilities.
  • Provides a well-organised, stimulating and secure learning environment in which children’s previous knowledge is challenged and enhanced, and where their best efforts are celebrated.

Behaviour & Attitudes

Our vision:

  • Promotes a positive and respectful culture where pupils actively support the well-being of other pupils and make a meaningful contribution to the life of the school and the wider community.
  • Aims to celebrate our pupils’ positive attitudes and attributes, and encourages them to see themselves as learners with a high focus placed on effort as well as attainment.
  • Promotes high standards of behaviour, which reinforces mutual respect, tolerance and understanding of others. Where commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured. Bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.
  • Inspires all children to attend punctually with a thirst for learning.

Personal Development

Our vision:

  • Promotes a sense of belonging, providing opportunities to develop physical and creative skills, build self-confidence and positive relationships within the school community and beyond.
  • Removes non-academic barriers to attainment, using wider strategies to enable all our children to develop social and emotional skills that will support success in all areas of life and learning.
  • Promotes British Values providing the skills and knowledge so that children are well-equipped for navigating their life in the 21st Century with tolerance and a respect for diversity.
  • Supports pupils to be confident, resilient, independent and develop their strength of character through a wider curriculum of extra-curricular activities and our holistic approach to physical, emotional health and well-being.
  • Enhances the broader development of pupils by providing access to rich experiences, where pupils have the opportunities to further develop their talents and interests.

Leadership & Management

Our vision:

  • Recognises that the safety and protection of all pupils is of paramount importance and that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. Ultimately, effective safeguarding of children can only be achieved by putting children at the centre of the system, and by every individual and agency playing their full part, working together to meet the needs of all, but especially, our most vulnerable children.
  • Recognises the integral contribution governors make to our school leadership team, ensuring that the long-term vision of the school is attained and that it aligns itself with the ambitions for achievement and teaching and learning standards.
  • Ensures governors have the highest aspiration for all children. Governors understand their roles and carry these out effectively, holding leaders to account for the quality of education and carrying out their statutory duties to promote the welfare of learners.
  • Maintains strong financial practices and develops the financial capability of school staff in order to deliver best value for money from the financial resource available to enable the school to achieve its strategic aims.
  • Ensures staff receive focused and highly effective professional development. Teaching staff constantly develop subject knowledge and pedagogical skills to deliver our broad and rich curriculum. Effective subject leaders are highly knowledgeable about their subject and leadership across the whole school.
  • Ensures leaders are highly effective and that meaningful engagement takes place with staff at all career stages. Where concerns are identified, they are dealt with effectively and efficiently.
  • Provides learning environments, both indoor and outdoor, which are fit for purpose and accessible to all, allowing growth to meet the changing needs of all our pupils, parents, carers and the local community.
  • Develops existing and future successful partnerships with other schools and organisations using the expertise of our teaching staff and strong leadership team to provide high quality training, development and support to both new and experienced school staff.

Our Values – We REACH!







To always consider others – their needs, feelings, qualities and achievements.

To always keep going and try hard in every situation.

To always have a growth mindset and to keep our ambitions in sight.

To challenge ourselves to positively face things that may be tricky.

To always be trustworthy and truthful.