School Council
School Council Roles and Responsibilities
Our School Council meet weekly. There are two School Council representatives from each class in school. We often invite others to our meetings such as members of our Senior Leadership Team and have even been visited by our local MP.
As part of their role, School Council representatives are expected:
- To attend meetings weekly.
- To feedback minutes of our meetings to their teacher and class.
- To occasionally be part of whole-school assemblies.
- To take responsibility for class Suggestion Boxes and ensure suggestions are passed on to staff.
- To encourage actions from classmates that embody our REACH philosophy.
School Council is made up of two committees; the Fundraising and Special Events Committee and the Eco-Schools Committee.
The main roles and responsibilities of the Fundraising and Special Events Committee are:
- To plan and communicate ideas to raise money for global and local charities such as The Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity and Comic Relief.
- To co-ordinate the collection of donations to the local food bank as part of our Harvest celebrations in school.
- To work with members of the Senior Leadership Team to plan special events in school such as Christmas Fairs and Summer Fairs.
- This year, School Council are excited to be involved in planning Stocksbridge Junior School’s 60th Anniversary event.
The main roles and responsibilities of the Eco-Committee are:
- Energy Monitors – to be ambassadors and promote energy saving actions in class and around school.
- Recycling Monitors – to work with others to ensure that paper is used economically and is recycled when no longer of use. Recycling Monitors will also be responsible for the collection of class recycling boxes half-termly.
- Litter Monitors – to encourage others to use the litter bins provided and inform staff if a litter pick is required and co-ordinate this.
This year, Stocksbridge Junior School are working towards our Eco-Schools accreditation which means we will be recognised as school that is creating positive impacts for our planet and will receive our very own green flag.
As part of our Eco-Schools application, we are hoping to introduce monitors to educate others on which food waste can be added to the compost bin and to monitor its use. They will also encourage classes to take care of plants within the classroom and around school.
Stocksbridge Junior School Council Members